Tuesday, March 20, 2012


      For a while in my mind there are existing some dark thoughts and a drop of a fear and making me anxious when I'm sleeping, making me live through nightmares every night.
As you have may be reading or watching news, there are so many catastrophes and accidents happening like  volcanic eruption in Italy(also a while back in Iceland) and many earthquakes and car crashes. And they happen more and more frequently. They are like precursors for something really bad. And SO many people are dying, and not dying of old age, but in disasters or because of sudden illnesses and it's frightening.

    I don't believe that there will be world end in 2012, but it can happen, because God's ways are inscrutable (yup, christian in me is talking again) and even if we shouldn't be scared of the death I'm scared.
     Last Friday I was to attending funeral of my friend's dad. He died young. 
I don't know what I would do without my mom because I mostly talk about everything with her and have fun with her too. There would be big emptiness in my life without her maybe even darkness.

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